Monday, 9 February 2015

Around my office

I work at Myanmar Egress, a civil society organization formed in 2007 to teach social science subjects which were not being taught in schools or universities.  They have been teaching courses to develop human capital in the country and give people the skills to push for a better Myanmar. The focus is mainly on youth but some courses have been given to business people, media to help with better reporting from conflict zones, politicians.

The 23rd batch of Egress grads.  Many have now started their own NGOs Moe the director is in pink in the front
The president of egress addresses the grads
One place to have lunch is at a little restaurant over the back fence.  they pass the food through or over and the tables stay on Egress side.  Saves a big walk around

Swann and me by the fence

This was our Christmas tree.  Its still right there!

Egress consists of three long parralel buildings like this

On the day of the christmas party everyone prepared a huge meal.  We are doing fruit.  Everyone is in uniform

My friend Phyo who answers all my questions 

Giant stir fry

Julia and I usually eat here in the canteen, lots of rice a number of curries and tea.. all for 60 cents
Cuso wanted a photo of us at work so we came and joined the English Dept just outside my area.  Staff wear uniforms; for management its optional tho they often do wear them

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